Monday, May 6, 2013

Fowler's Toad

Fowler's toads have rough skin. The colors of them can be brown, gray, or red with large spots. The color of their belly would be white. The feet and toes are not webbed. The size of the adults are 2-3 inches. The places that these toads live in are the southeastern of North Carolina, mostly in the Coastal Plain of South Carolina and Georgia, and the Florida peninsula. They like to move in the daytime when its warm out, rainy weather, or otherwise moist conditions. The food that these toads eats are ants, beetles, and earthworms. The young frogs eats flies, aphids, and springtails. When the females lay their eggs, there will be 4,000-5,000 eggs. Some can lay 10,000. The predators that eat these frogs are eastern hognose snakes, loggerhead shrikes, american bitterns, bullfrogs, and raccoons. The animals that eat the eggs or the tadpoles are some fish, salamanders, and some kind of insects. These are some weird things about Fowler's toads. 

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