Monday, May 6, 2013

Glass Frog

A Glass Frog is a frog that looks like it is a window on it's belly. You would see some of the inside parts of the frog. The back of the frogs are green with white or black dots. They have big eyes with horizontal pupils, they have webbed fingers and toes. The also are wet with slimy smooth skin. The family of these frogs is Centrolenidae. These frogs live in rainforest in Central and South America. They also live on leaves above forest streams and rivers. Glass Frogs are small frogs, like they are 3 to 7.5 cemtimetres (1.2 to 3.0 in) in length. When the females lay eggs, they would lay between 10-80 eggs on a leaf. The male take care of the eggs at daytime. When the eggs hatch, the tadpoles will go straight into water. The food that glass frogs eat are small insects, fish and other frogs. The predators of glass frogs are snakes, birds and large mammals.  This is some things about Glass Frogs.

Desert Spadefoot Toad

The Desert Spadefoot Toads live in the desert at Mexico, southern Arizona, Baja California, Texas, and parts of Oklahoma. They are born in the water. These frogs have moist skin. They are orange, black, green or black and yellow. They lay up to 3,000 eggs.  Desert spadefoot toads live underground, they do not need to drink any water. They hunt insects like beetles, grasshoppers, katydids, and crickets. They can stay underground for a year without food or water.

Spotted Shovel-Nosed Frog

Spotted Shovel-nosed Frogs are mostly found in dry grasslands. Their family is Hemisus. Their length is 8 centimetres.  They have short legs, round body, and the heads are small and narrow with a hard, nose.  They live most of their life underground. The female will dig underground for a safe place to put their eggs. The insects that they would dig or look for is termites and earthworms. They are burrowing frogs also. They live in South Africa.

Reticulated Poison Frog

The Reticulated Poison Frog is in the Dendrobatidae family. The countries they live in is Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. The habitats they would live in is trees, and sometimes on the ground in the rainforests. They have poison skin so they can be protected from their predators. The food they eat are insects. These frogs grow up to the size of 20 millimetres.

Mexican Burrowing Toad

The Mexican Burrowing Toads are in the Rhinophrynidae family. They live in southern Texas, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. They grow to the length of 8 cm, their eyes are small, pointy nose, and short powerful legs. They use their legs for digging. They live underground. The food that they eat are ants and termites. They will come out of underground after heavy rain.

Holy Cross Frog

The Holy Cross Frogs are in the Myobatrachidae family. They are also called Crucifix Frogs. They live in Australian, western New South Wales, and Queensland. The colors of them is bright yellow, with a cross on their back. The cross has black and red dots. They are small and very round frogs.  Their noses are blurt, the legs and feet are small. The length of the males are 2.5 in. The length of the females are 2.7 in.

Budgett's Frog

The Budgett's Frogs are in the Leptodactylidae family. They live in Paraguay, Argentina, and Bolivia in South America. The color of this frog is olive green. The size of this frog is 4 to 5 inches. They have a round, flat body. They don't have teeth. The habitats they live in are streams, ponds, marshes, and slow moving rivers.