Thursday, April 11, 2013

African bullfrog

A African bullfrog is found in Angola, Botswana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Its habitat are dry savanna, moist savanna, dry shrubland, freshwater lakes, freshwater marshes, arable land, pastureland, canals and ditches. These are large frogs. The males weigh 1.4 kg and the females weigh 2 kg, so the females are bigger than the male ones. The way they look is that they have a chubby round body and big broad head with big mouth. They have no web on their front feet but have some webs on their back feet. The skin is bumpy and olive green color, but yellow belly and throat. The African bullfrogs are carnivorous and voracious eaters, they eat insects, small rodents, reptiles, small birds and other amphibians. The sound that they make is croaking sounds. These frogs can live 35 years or more.

Amazon Milk Frog

Amazon Milk Frogs are also called Mission Golden-eyed Tree Frogs or Blue Milk Frogs. These tree frog are light grayish color with a pattern of brown and black banding. Their skin is bumpy. The males are smaller than the females. They have large toe pads so they can climb. They live in the tropical rainforest canopy at Northern South America in the countries Colombia, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, French, Guiana, Suriname, Peru and Venezuela. These frogs can be poisonous, live up to 25 years. The female frogs can lay 2,500 egg on a rainy season from November to May. The food that they eat is insects, spiders, small amphibian and other invertebrates.

Southern Toadlet

The Southern Toadlet live in southern in Victoria and Australia, eastern of Tasmania and Flinders Island. The habitats they live in is temperate forests, temperate grassland, rivers, intermittent rivers, swamps, and intermittent freshwater marshes. When the female frogs lay their eggs, they lay out 200 eggs on a shallow nest. The tadpoles are 20 mm. The body length is 2 to 3 cm, they are dark brown to olive green with black warty blotches on the top. The belly of these frogs are black and white marbled with a orange on the throat and limbs.

Dainty Green Tree Frog

The Dainty Green Tree Frogs are in the Hylidae family. They are graceful tree frogs, like leaf-green frogs with a yellowish-green stripe over the eye. The fingers, toes and upper arms are a bright lemon yellow. They live in Cape York Peninsula south to Gosford, New South Wales, and the southern coast of New Guinea. The habitats they live in are moist forest, or woodland, marshland and around ditches.

Gray's Tree Frog

The Gray's Tree Frog are in the Hylidae family. They live in eastern North America. The size of these frogs are 2 inches. The food they eat are crickets, moths, flies, waxworms, small silkworms and earthworms. They live in Minnesota at the United States near swamps or shallow wetland in forests. They climb trees and shrubs. The colors of these frogs are gray and creamy white. The female lays 30 eggs.

Hourglass Tree Frog

The Hourglass Tree Frogs have short stubby faces. The colors on these frogs are dork golden yellow with large brown markings all around the frogs. The can live 3 years or less. The females are the length of 35 millimeters and the males are the length of 27 millimeters. They live in lowlands on the Caribbean and Pacific slopes of Costa Rica. The females can lay up to 15-296 eggs.

Sunset Frog

The Sunset Frogs are in the Myobatrachidae family. They live in south-west of Western Australia. The length of the females is 31-36 mm, and the males length is 29.5-34.8 mm. The colors of these frogs are dark-purple on the back, and orange on the belly. The fingers and toes are webbed. The habitats they live in are the moist peat swamps, and high rainfall areas. The females lay less than 200 eggs.

Ornate Horned Frog

The Ornate Horned Frogs are also called the Pac-Man Frogs. Their colors are tan and brown, green, and albino. Their habitats are tropical and montane rainforest. The places they live in are Northern Argentina, Uruguay, and the Rio Grande do Sul region of Brazil. They have plump body shape, Their mouths are as wide as their heads, and they have wide pink fleshy tongue. Their foods are other frogs, lizards, snakes, rodents, birds, and large insects. They sleep with their eyes open, and they do not jump

Cinnamon Tree Frog

The Cinnamon Tree Frogs are orange frogs with a lot of white dots. The habitats they live in is tropical forest. The countries they live in is Southeast Asia, Borneo, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand. They hunt for insects in shrubsand low tree branches.

Marbled Reed Frog

The Marbled Reed Frogs are in the Hyperolildae family. They live in Central, Eastern and Southen Africa. The size is 25-40mm. The food they eat are crickets, mini-mealworms, flies, waxworm, small locust, caterpillars, fruitflies, and moths.

Tomato Frog

The Tomato Frogs are in the Microhylidae family. The place they live in is Madagascar. The colors of these frogs are yellowish-orange to deep red. The females are the length of 4 in, and the males are the length of 2 to 3 in.  The bellies of these frogs are more yellowish, and the throat sometimes have black dots. The food they eat are small insects and invertebrates.

Hairy Frogs

Hairy Frogs are in the Arthroleptidae family. These frogs are also called horror frogs. They live in West Africa. The countries they live in is Cameroon, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, and Nigeria. The habitats they live in are the fast-flowing rivers in lowland rainforest, and at the foot of small waterfalls. The water they live in is freshwater. They are 4.3 inches.

Rain Frog

Rain frogs  is in the Microhylidae family. They live in forest,  grassland, and rural gardens in South Africa, Asia, and Africa. The upper of the bodies are brown with lighter brown to cream patches on the side and the back. Their length can be 2 cm to 10 cm. They have a round body with a short, narrow head. Their eyes are large, their faces are flat, and they have a narrow mouth. Their limbs are short and stumpy.

Tiger-Striped Leaf Frog

The Tiger-Striped Leaf Frog live in tropical rain forest, Rio Tuichi, Madidi National Park, and Bolivia. The belly of these frogs look like tigers. Their skin looks waxy and smooth. They like to explore at night, even during the day they're hard to find. They are mostly found on branches and leaves.

Lace-eyed Tree Frog

The Lace-Eyed Tree Frogs live in Papua, New Guinea.

Marsupial Frog

The Marsupial Frogs are the of 1.5 to 2.5 inches. The males and females have pouches to hold the eggs. The females have the pouch on their back. The food they eat are arthropods and insects. They are in the Amphignathodontidae family. They live in Central America and South America. They can be found in vegetation within montane forests,  montane meadows, agricultural fields and rocky hillsides, or other located near stagnant to slow-moving waters.

Shoemaker Frog

The Shoemaker Frogs are in the Myobatrachidae family. They are round, short-legged frog with a smooth, white belly and shiny golden marked with brown or black blotches. They live in Western Australia. The habitats they live in a temperature shrub land, tropical or subtropical dry lowland grassland, freshwater, and hot desert. They can be found in the low-lying areas east and north of Hamelin Pool and north  to the Wooramel River. When the females lays eggs, they lay about 200-1000 eggs.

Northern Sandhill Frog

The Northern Sandhill Frogs are in the Myobatrachidae family. They are small frogs at the size of 28 to 33 millimeters. It is a burrowing frog with short, strong legs. The color of these frogs are dark grey, and white to brown. The head is triangular shape, and the body is flat. They live in Western Australian coast. The females lay 10 eggs in March and April about 1 m below ground.

Red and Yellow Mountain Frog

The Red and Yellow Mountain Frog are in the Myobatrachidae family. They live in Australia, and their habitats are tropical or subtropical moist lowland forest and rivers.

Desert Rain Frog

The Desert Rain Frogs family is Microhylidae. They live at Namibia and South Africa. The habitats they live in are tropical dry shrubland and sandy shores. They are small frogs with bulging eyes, a short snout, short limbs, spade-like feet and webbed toes. Their skin color is yellowish-brown.

Titicaca Water Frog

The Titicaca Water Frog lives in Lake Titicaca Basin in the Andes of Bolivia and Peru. The size of this frog is 50 cm and the weight is 1 kg. These frogs are also endangered species.

Rainbow Burrowing Frog

The Rainbow Burrowing Frog live in south central Madagascar. The maximum size they are is 1 to 1 1/2 . The food they eat are small crickets and fruit flies. They live on plants, rocks, and logs. The females are bigger and heavier than the males. The females lay about 500 eggs.

Muller's Termite Frog

The Muller's Termite Frogs are in the Microhylidae family.  They have small mouths on pointy snouts that serve them ants and termites. The length of these frogs are 40-50 mm. The colors of the skin is olive-brown on the back with white dots on the sides, legs and arms. The skin is also smooth.